Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Altenew Celebrating Parents Card Drive Blog Hop + Giveaway

You probably came from Nicole Picadura. If not – you may consider starting from the beginning at Altenew blog and see what other members of Altenew’s design team have come up with (and also you have a chance to win a prize on each hop node)

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are approaching, and this can be a difficult time for seniors who are in nursing homes or shelters. We want these important people to feel loved, celebrated, and honored, and we need your help!
The goal is to send cards for the elderly that lives in nursing homes or shelters to let them know they’re not forgotten. Please encourage people to check out the Celebrating Parents Card Drive and join this great cause by sending in cards. Feel free to add a link to the card drive blog post and include the card drive graphic in your blog hop post.
Feel free to check out the Celebrating Parents Card Drive and join this great cause by sending in cards. Find more details about the Celebrating Parents Card Drive HERE.
20% of the profits earned from these stamp sets (Best Dad, Best Mom, Penned Rose) by 6/18/2017 will be donated to Food Bank of Central New York to support seniors in need.

Всем привет! У Альтеню сегодня блог-хоп посвященный Celebrating Parents Card Drive
Card Drive это благотворительный сбор открыток. Открытки собранные в честь этого хопа, отправятся одиноким пожилым людям живущим в домах престарелых или хосписах. Несложно понять как им бывает одиноко в День Отца или День Матери, а подаренная открытка поможет хоть немного их осчастливить.
Альтеню будут разыгрывать призы среди участников кард драйва, а так же за комментарии в самом блог-хопе.

To begin, I first distressed the white cardstock panel using Altenew Lagoon ink, then splattered with water, and when everything dried up, I heat embossed over the black ink using sparkling embossing powder. Then I cut out the joystick-shaped windows using coordinatig die, and replaced the piece of white paper cut earlier, using glue on the back side of the panel to keep the inlaid piece in place.
Then I colored the buttons and added glossy accent as a final touch.

 Для первой открытки я тонировала бумагу чернилами Altenew Lagoon, побрызгала водой, и когда все высохло сделала эмбоссинг прозрачной сверкающей пудрой поверх черных чернил. Затем вырубила окошечки в форме джойстика ножом для вырубки, и вложила внутрь вырубку из белой бумаги. Слегка раскрасила кнопки и покрыла глосси. 

Вообще делать мужские открытки оказалось довольно сложно. Это мой первый опыт. Тут особо не разгуляешься как с цветочками, но и сильно сдержанные открытки мне делать не хотелось. Поэтому я выбрала мятные, бирюзовые и фиолетовые оттенки, они в этом плане довольно универсальны, и выглядят не скучно.

For the second card, I placed the stamps on the stamping tool, and stamped all the images on white paper, and the same on the mint cardstock. Then I colored the images using shimmer sprays and added a litlle bit Wink of Stella on top. Then I glued a mint cardstock panel over the images, and added a small banner.

Для второй открытки, я расположила штампы на инструменте для штампинга, отшамповала все сначала на белой бумаге, а затем то же самое на мятном кардстоке. Затем раскрасила все блестящими спреями Lindy's и чтобы совсем все бестело покрыла Wink of Stella.  Изображения на мятном кардстоке я вырубила координирующими ножами, и приклеила эту панель поверх раскрашеных картинок. И в конце добавила маленький баннер с надписью.

The third card is my favorite. I stamped the flowers on paper with light inks, and lightly colored them using Altenew markers. After that, I added details with Faber-Castell pencils. To finish my card I stamped the sentiment in clear embossing ink and gold heat embossed.

Третья открытка моя любимая, с цветами. Я отштамповала цветы на бумаге сверху и снизу светлыми чернилами, и слегка раскрасила их маркерами Altenew. После этого добавила реалистичности карандашами Polychromos. И в конце сделала надпись любимой золотой пудрой для эмбоссинга. 

Our goal is to send cards for the elderly that lives in nursing homes or shelters to let them know they’re not forgotten. Please encourage people to check out the Celebrating Parents Card Drive and join this great cause by sending in cards.

Special Offer (4/19-4/22):

Altenew is giving away $50 gift certificates to THREE lucky winners. Be sure to leave comments by Sunday, April 30th, 2017 at 11:59 PM EDT for a chance to win! Winners will be chosen at random from the comments left on any of the blogs listed below and will be announced on the Altenew blog on May 2nd, 2017.

    You're next stop on the hop is amazing Erum! I hope you enjoyed my cards and thanks for stopping by!


    1. Awesome Father's Day cards and LOVE your Mother's Day card! You did a fabulous job coloring and love how you also used colored pencils. So pretty! Thanks so much for sharing!

    2. Great Fathers Day cards. The Mothers Day is really pretty. Thanks for sharing..

    3. STUNNNNNNINGGGGG!!!!!! You rock my friend!

    4. Fabulous cards! I love the one that is perfect for a Gamer dad... I would send that to my son!

    5. Your floral card is just stunning, Kristina! LOVE your coloring ! I really liked your Masculine cards too. Such cool colours.

    6. LOVE all your cards. Really love how you created the splattered background effects on your cards:)

    7. Cool father's day cards and the mother's day card is just beautiful.

    8. I'm loving that Mother's Day card!! I think I may just have to pick up that stamp! Lol

    9. Especially love the flower card, great colouring!

    10. All your cards are wonderful, thank you for sharing!

    11. Beautiful. Thanks for inspiring.

    12. Perfect card ideas for Dad and Mom!

    13. Your floral card is gorgeous!

    14. I love the images in the dad stamp set. The color layering on the flowers is so pretty.

    15. Your Mother's day card is too pretty.All your cards are amazing.

    16. Great cards! I love your mom card - the floral spray is beautiful!

    17. Love the father's day ones most.

    18. The Father's Day card is great and so fun. Love the coloring on the floral card.

    19. Your father's day cards are just beautiful (I love that splattered background especially!) - and your mother's day card is stunning! Your coloring skills are amazing.

    20. Your coloring on the Mother's day card is gorgeous! I love the colors and splatters on the Father's Day card.

    21. Love your cards - thank you!!

    22. Cute cards. I really love be the boldness of your card for mom!

    23. Super cards, very versatile 'Dad" set, a true winner.

    24. I love your design sense. I really enjoyed seeing your card.

    25. Love all your cards, amazing and lovely.

    26. Lovely cards. Absolutely love the colouring on those flowers!

    27. Gorgeous cards, especially love the mothers day card, beautiful!!!

    28. Amazing backgrounds for dads card. Love Your ideas :)

    29. Absolutely love the Mother card with flowers. The Dad cards are very nicely done. Thanks for your sharing some great ideas.

    30. Love the colors BEAUTIFUL I WOULD love to win the blog hop!!

    31. Fantastic, Kristina! All of your cards are awesome and I especially love two father's day cards. I've thaught mint shades are near girlish colors and I love how you matched these and father's theme perfectly!

    32. Love the colors BEAUTIFUL I WOULD love to win the blog hop!!

    33. I agree with you, your Mother's Day card is my favorite. Love the colors you used and your pencil coloring technique. Dad's Day cards are fun.

    34. Beautiful flowers. Love the colors💜

    35. Beautiful colors on your lovely cards!

    36. Wonderful projects. Love seeing the masculine projects. TFS

    37. Love these cards. The Mother's Day card is very pretty.

    38. Great cards. . .especially like the way your flowers frames the sentiment. Thanks for sharing them.

    39. Lovely colours!

    40. WOW!!! Simply Gorgeous! Love your style and the way you add color and style to your cards.
      XO April

    41. FUN masculine cards:)) Outstanding coloring on those BLOOMS!!

    42. Fun Father's day cards. The florals for mom.....stunning. Love the coloring ♥

    43. Fantastic cards. I especially love your Mother's Day card, just beautiful!

    44. Fabulous cards,the floral design is very pretty! thanks for the inspiration Kristina!

    45. I love the colors of these cards!

    46. Your cards are so great! I really love all the images in the "dad" set.

    47. wonderful cards. I like the inlay design on your masculine cards and your colouring on your mothers day card is so beautiful.

    48. Three fantastic cards!
      stamping sue

    49. These are very nice cards. I love the coloring you did on the Mother's Day card. Markers and colored pencils is a technique I haven't tried yet, but will now after seeing this.

    50. Awesome cards. Especially like the father's day card that you used the shimmer sprays. Love the effect

    51. Awesome cards with cool backgrounds !

    52. All three cards are super!

    53. Your cards are fantastic, love beautiful florals! TFS

    54. I agree with you: the last one is my favorite, too. I am a sucker for floral images, and this one is just beautiful. It's too bad the males in my life aren't into florals! I am totally impressed that you have only been making cards a short time! I started in Dec, 2015 and my skill sets are nowhere close. Were you always artistic? I wasn't, but I have discovered that there are some things I CAN do, and that the joy is more about the creating process than the finished product. (Oh how I wish my school art teachers had taught that one instead of encouraging the really talented kids and ignoring the rest of us! ) It's all ok, and I am having fun now. Thanks for the inspiration. I am going to go play soon.

    55. gorgeous cards :) i love the floral card a lot, its stunning!

    56. Love your cards. The mother's day card is absolutely beautiful.

    57. Your cards are so creative and beautiful. I love floral cards. Thanks for sharing these great cards. GlendaJ

    58. Wonderful cards - your flowers are stunning!

    59. Your cards are wonderful!!! Love them all and Altenew:)

    60. Oooo . . . the last card is my favorite, too! It is so gorgeous with those beautiful flowers and your fabulous coloring! The Father's Day cards are really so fun; love the backgrounds you created!

    61. Beautiful cards. I particularly love the lovely colouring on your flowers. 😍

    62. Fun designs for the dad cards and beautiful floral.

    63. Your Fathers day cards are so fun and creative. I love the stamps in that set

    64. Great cards and I love the controller.

    65. Fun masculine cards, and your florals look amazing!

    66. Awesome cards! Love the backgrounds for the first two cards!!

    67. The gamer card is super fun!Lovely cards!Thank you for sharing.

    68. Great cards. Thanks for the inspiration!

    69. Fabulous cards! Especially like the design of the floral one.

    70. Love your fun Dad cards and your Mom card is stunning! Love it to pieces! TFS!

    71. Oh wow, these are absolutely amazing, I love your backgrounds and clever designs!

    72. Wow! love your fabulous cards. Thanks for sharing the terrific ideas.

    73. Love the backgrounds and the coloring on the first two cards. And the bright blooms on the third are just gorgeous.

    74. Nice cards, I like how you diecut and inlaid the Dad cards and the colors in the Mom card were so cheerful!

    75. Very nice the use of ink and splatter on the first. Gorgeous colouring of the flowers on the last.

    76. Awesome cards! Love the floral card! Pretty colors!

    77. All your cards are great, especially the Father's Day ones - they're hard to come up with good ideas for!

    78. all your cards are amazing and so beautiful!!!

    79. Any gamer would love your first card. The second is equally nice but the Mother's day is my favorite with the use of two coloring mediums. Thanks for sharing!

    80. All your cards are gorgeous! Great job!!

    81. Beautiful flowers...and I really like bright "dad" cards!

    82. Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards. I particularly like your first "Dad" card - I really like the wonderful contrast between the bright background and the simple images - and also the beautiful colouring in your Mother's Day card.

    83. Fabulous, fun and sparkly father's day cards. The mother's day card is stunning, amazing coloring.

    84. COOL masculine cards and GORGEOUS Mother card!
      SO INSPIRED by your embossing and inking, ADORE your DELICATE yet VIBRANT flowers and leaves - WOW!

    85. Great cards! I like the one with the game controls.

    86. Your backgrounds are great and I love those beautiful flowers!

    87. Great CAS masculine cards and amazing coloring on the florals!

    88. cute cards.
      thanks for sharing.

    89. Beautiful cards and great color choices!

    90. Gorgeous cards! I love the flowers.

    91. Great cards.
      My husband was never a techie.
      He wouldn't have cared for the
      handset card but would have
      loved the one with the tools.
      thanks for sharing.

    92. Amazing background and colouring.

    93. You have a beautiful attention to detail, thank you for sharing!

    94. Great cards but I have to agree with you, the third is my favorite, it is absolutely beautiful.

    95. Love the colors and techniques used. The Father's Day card is fun. The Mother's Day card is very beautiful.

    96. Fabulous cards! Love you coloring in of the flowers on the Mother's Day card. Thanks for sharing!


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