Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Altenew A Year In Review Blog Hop

Hello everyone! Today I’m very excited to be joining Altenew's A Year in Review Blog Hop. Altenew such a great company with amazing talented designers. And I’m very pleased to be able to show you the Top of my cards of this year. You probably came from Anna. If not – you may consider starting from the beginning at Altenew blog and see what other members of Altenew’s design team have come up with (and also you have a chance to win a prize on each hop node).

Всем привет! Последнее время я редко пишу в блог, но сегодня это того стоит. Приготовьтесь будет длинно! Сегодня я принимаю участие в блог-хопе Altenew A Year in Review в котором они показывают лучшие открытки с их штампами за этот год. Мне очень приятно получить такое приглашение, так как все  знают о моей безграничной любви к их штампам и чернилам. И оказалось невероятно сложно, выбрать из своих открыток лучшие, потому что я люблю их все, но конечно акварельные открытки самые выигрышные. Поэтому начну с них.

My first project features the Beautiful Day stamp set. I used my favorite watercolor technique and Altenew Crisp Dye Ink. For the blossoms I used Ruby Red and Coral Berry. For the leaves I used Forest Glades. I love Altenew inks so much, because the ink colors are so clear and vibrant and they are suitable for many techniques! The sentiment from Remember This stamp set.

Stamps: Beautiful Day, Remember This
Inks: Ruby Red, Coral Berry, Forest Glades

Эта открытка моя самая любимая. Здесь я использовала акварельную технику и чернила Altenew. Как-то спонтанно она получилась, я хотела повторить синюю, но в другом цвете, а получилось даже лучше чем хотелось. В инстаграме я уже несколько раз натыкалась на копии этой открытки, и это прямо-таки очень приятно. Значит не зря старалась.

My next card features the Beautiful Day stamp set and Altenew Crisp Dye Inks. made this card in "autumn" color shades, using the same set of stamps.  
Stamps: Beautiful Day
Inks: Dark Chocolate, Forest Glades, Frayed Leaf, Mango Smoothie, Crimson

Вторая открытка с использованием того же набора штампов, но выполнена в осенней цветовой гамме. Мне она напоминает лужу, много брызг, желтые листья, и отражение неба в воде.

This next card feautered Wild Hibiscus stamp set for my Mom. I like this set because it's so beautiful but simple to use.
Stamps: Wild Hibiscus
Inks: Ocean Waves, Dusk, Lagoon

Третья открытка со штампами Wild Hibiscus для моей любимой мамы . Очень нравится мне этот набор за эффектность и простоту использования. Пайетки и дропсы тут как утренняя роса на цветах.

Next card features the Magnolias For Her stamp set. I think it looks like a stained glass. For this card I stamped the background with one flower in this set and added Gold Glitter embossing powder by Zing. Then I coloring flowers using Altenew Inks.
Inks: Ocean Waves, Frayed Leaf

Следующая открытка с магнолиями. Здесь я хотела добиться эффекта витражного стекла. Наштамповала фон одним цветочком и посыпала золотой пудрой Zing. А затем просто раскрасила все теми же чернилами Altenew. 

Next card features To The Moon stamp set for my boyfriend. I made this galaxy background using distress ink.  
Следующая открытка - галактическая, для любимого человека. Здесь я использовала набор To the Moon. Наштамповала фон оттиском луны, покрыла золотой пудрой и вырезала большой круг. Ну и как бы сделала таким образом Землю, а луна там маленькая серебряная.  Галактику тонировала дисстресами.

Stamps: To The Moon

For this card I used Painted Flowers stamp set. I stamped the images in the corners and add a little bit water for the watercolor effect. Sentiment from Wild Hibiscus stamp set.
Inks: Coral Berry, Forest Glades

Очень простая и нежная открыточка с набором штампов Painted Flowers. Тут все вообще очень просто, сделала оттиски и размыла чернила водой. 

This card also one of my favorites. I used Beautiful Day and Peony Bouquet stamp sets. The edges are toned with blue inks, berries and leaves stamped over it, then covered with golden Zing embossing powder. 
Эта открытка тоже одна из любимых. Здесь я использовала наборы Beautiful Day и Peony Boquet. Тонировала края открытки синими чернилами, и поверх наштамповала ягодок и веточек, покрыла золотой пудрой и монохромно раскрасила.

Stamps: Beautiful Day, Peony Bouquet, Studio Katia
Inks: Dusk, Ocean Waves, Sea Glass

Next card features Vintage Flowers and To the Moon stamp sets.
Следующая открытка с окошком и сакурой под луной. Наштамповала цветочки, вырубила кружочек, и внутри вкелила луну. 

Inks: Coral Berry, Frosty Pink, Evening Gray ,Morning Frost

This card won in the Altenew July inspiration challenge, which I'm very proud of. I used small flowers from Vintage Flowers stamp set, and a little washed out.
С этой открыткой я победилa в июльском челлендже, безумно рада этому, хотя сама открытка уже не так мне нравится. Тут тоже использовала цветочки из Vintage Flowers, и немного размыла водой.

Inks: Coral Berry, Grapevine, Forest Glades, Mango Smoothie, Evening Gray

This card definitely my favorite. I used "Stamp Kissing" technique, leaves from Beautiful Day stamp set and Wood Pallet Background stamp. I think leaves look like malachite green.
Эта открытка определенно мой фаворит. Тут я использовала технику Stamp Kissing, листики из Beautiful Day и деревянный фоновый штамп Wood Pallet Background. Листья получились как-будто малахитовые.

Stamps: Beautiful Day, Wood Pallet Background
Inks: Forest Glades, Frayed Leaf, Evergreen

Another card features Beautiful Day stamp set in my favorite watercolor technique.
Очередная открытка с акварельной цветочной темой, тоже любимая, не могу ее не включить в этот список, они хоть и похожи с красной, но совершенно разные.

Stamps; Beautiful Day, Studio Katia
Inks: Ocean Waves, Dusk, Lagoon

And the last card features Wild Hibiscus stamp set again. I love this lilack and mint color combination. 
Ну и наконец последняя открытка тоже с гибискусами. Люблю сочетание мятного и лилового.

Stamps: Wild Hibiscus
Inks: Lavender Fields, Deep Iris, Lagoon


  • 6 $30 gift certificates from Altenew
  • Handmade card from me. 
Altenew is giving away a $30 gift certificate to 6 lucky winners - selected from the comments across all of the blogs in the hop. You have until Wednesday, January 4th at 11:59 PM ET to enter, and the winners will be announced on the Altenew blog on Friday, January 6th.

The next stop in the blog hop will be Natalia. If you got lost, please go back to Altenew Blog.

Тех кто прочитал мой пост до конца ждет розыгрыш 6 подарочных сертификатов Altenew, оставляйте комментарии и участвуйте в розыгрыше. А так же я выберу одного счастливчика, и отправлю ему свою открытку!

А теперь идите скорее в блог к Наташе, смотреть на её Топ лучших открыток за этот год. Они у нее просто нереальные!
Спасибо, что заглянули и удачи! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and good luck!

Altenew is running a special shipping promotion now through Friday. Make sure to enter the code at checkout to take advantage of this special deal!
Enjoy FREE U.S. shipping on all retail orders with code GOODBYE2016 at checkout and $7 OFF international shipping on orders over $17 with code WELCOME2017 at checkout. Offer ends Friday, December 30th at 11:59 pm EST. (Retail orders only. Not valid on prior purchases. Cannot be combined with other coupon codes.)


  1. All your cards are so beautiful! Love the autumn colors on the one, very different colors and it stands out! Also like the galaxy background. I just started with distress inks and it is neat to see ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow! Stunning cards! Your coloring is to die for! Thank you!

  3. fantastic array of cards - all your florals are so pretty!

  4. Love your work, it's stunning! A review of the year's posts is a great idea for a blog hop!

  5. Your cards are wonderful!! Love them all and Altenew:)

  6. Great watercolour effects - I must persevere in my own technique.....

  7. My favorite is the Moon one.

  8. Beautiful cards! Love the stamps!!

  9. Beautiful cards. Love them and love altenew.

  10. Such a beautiful use of color. Very pretty!

    cassandracauble at yahoo dot com

  11. Beautiful cards. Love Altenew stamps...they all have such stunning detail! So enjoy seeing the water color technique. I am new to card making/design and have yet to try that technique. Would love to win one of your cards. Happy New Year.

  12. Oh my goodness Kristina, your work is astonishingly beautiful! What totally amazing talent you have. All are gorgeous!

  13. Wow, such beautiful cards! I love your work!

  14. Some really beautiful cards to admire here Kristina and your style is so pretty and watery with wonderful soft and pretty colours, apart from a couple you have featured where you have heat embossed and used much stronger colours. x

  15. I am in love with the moon and back card! I think your distress Ink techniques are spot on!

  16. Кристина, работы одна краше другой!!! Шикраные)

  17. Stunning cards. Happy New Year.

  18. Lovely watercolouring!
    Beautiful Cards! 😍

    Happy new year!

  19. Very pretty cards with awesome techiques. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Wow! So much inspiration in a single post. I am dizzzy with possibilities! Thank you for a peek into your world.

  21. The water colored beautiful day stamped card. What's not to love. Love the stamp set and water coloring is my favorite technique. Happy new year.

  22. Lot and lots of beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Such pretty cards. I'm a big fan of Painted Flowers, so I love your gorgeous watercoloured "Best Mom" card.

  24. wow stunning cards.


  25. I can't decide which is my favorite. Love them all.

  26. all of these cards are so stunning! I couldn't choose a favorite no matter how hard I try! They all speak to me in one way or another!! Thank you for sharing this look at the past year's creations!

  27. Stunning collection of cards, so in love with all your beautiful florals.

  28. Your work are stunning and beautiful!

  29. Lovely cards! Happy New Year!

  30. Love the stunning cards-you are so talented!

  31. These cards are all so beautiful. I especially love the Best mum card.

  32. Pretty cards, love them.

  33. I love every card! Your water coloring is absolutely gorgeous!

  34. What a fun blog hop! I always get inspired by seeing all of the wonderful creations.

  35. Oh my gosh, your cards are gorgeous! Your flowers and colors are stunning! Thank you for sharing on this great blog hop.

  36. So many beautifully inspiring cards for 2106! Your watercoloring is amazing.

  37. Beautiful cards. Your coloring is amazing. So much inspiration! Happy New Year.

  38. Awesome cards. You use so many different technics, it's really impressive !

  39. Beautiful cards! I especially love the "Best Mom" card--simply gorgeous!

  40. You have a way with backgrounds! Stunning cards1

  41. These cards are all so different. The one common element is that they are all so stunning!

  42. How terrific are these!! Just as beautiful as can be as they are so feminine and elegant!

    Happy New Year!

  43. Your cards are very pretty and I like the colors.

  44. Great cards!Thank you for sharing so many different ideas!Have a happy new year!

  45. Your cards are unique. I haven't seen too many like them. Very nice.

  46. Thqnk you, Kristina. I love all of your cards. You are very creative. I think my favorite is The Best Mom in the World card made with Painted Flowers Stamp set.

  47. Gorgeous cards! Love the style and the colors -- so professional.

  48. Wow. You are such an artist. I love your cards

  49. Stunning cards! You are truly an artist. I love them all but the gorgeous Magnolia card really stole my heart. LOVE it!!

  50. Beautiful cards!! Thank you for sharing!! My fav- to the moon!! Happy New Year!!

  51. All your cards are beautiful, love your water-colouring, just stunning.

  52. I love your gorgeous designs.

  53. Just wow! Your watercolor is amazing, but my favorite card is the one with Magnolias for her with the background that looks like stained glass, just stunning.

  54. Amazing work! I love each one of these cards; could never pick a favorite. Thanks for the inspiration.


  55. I'm enjoying this year in review and love your watercoloring; thanx for the inspiration and blog candy opp!

  56. Lovely cards....thank you for sharing!

  57. All your cards are so creative! I especially like the Mom card with pink flowers....very sweet.

  58. Your cards are stunning! Love them all - thanks for the inspiration!

  59. Beautiful cards. Love your color combinations.

  60. Stunning projects. Thank your for such wonderful inspiration. Happy New Year!

  61. You need to enable your subscribe to blog so I can follow your gorgeous Altenew creations!!!

  62. I love your watercoloring! On quite a few of the cards, it actually looks like you created the flowers from scratch, rather than using a stamp. I'll have to look back through you blog to figure out how you did that!

  63. I am totally over the moon excited for this blog hop I have totally been needing new ideas for my alter new stamps I bought 10 new packages a few months back and have been stumped on what type of new flower cards to make so this is absolutely amazing thank you so much for the beautiful inspiration!!!!!

  64. Wow! What stunning art you have created with the Altenew stamps! Your watercolour technique with them is fabulous. I'm in love with the one made with the Beautiful Day stamp set. Gorgeous!

  65. What a gorgeous collection of cards :) Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers and Happy New Year

  66. Amazing set of cards, very beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.

  67. Lovely cards, I have never done much with watercolors but I do believe that is on my list to try in 2017. Thanks for sharing you creativity and talent!!

  68. Your pink Beautiful Day card is my favorite. All your cards are very artistic and lovely

  69. No favorites. All were splashy, colorful, powerful and I liked them all. Very talented lady. Thank you for letting us see your work. Inspiring.

  70. Lovely cards, thanks for sharing

  71. What elegant cards! Thanks for the inspiration!

  72. I love the idea of revisiting the cards of the year! And with the hope, it gives me a chance to see so many that I missed!

  73. I just discovered Altenew stamps this year and I am in love with them. I like how the layering stamps look so real.

  74. Your cards are so beautiful! I love them all!

  75. Beautiful cards, Kristina! I loved how you made the "stained glass" background.

  76. I love how you are able to make all your cards vibrant and yet soft at the same time. So pretty.

  77. Beautiful cards. I love the moon card. So simple but special.

  78. Great ideas. Love all the colors used.

  79. Very beautiful cards ! 💕

  80. How beautiful all
    of your cards are!
    Love the colors and
    Carla from Utah

  81. Love the cards with the gold embossing.
    The magnolia card is fantastic.
    the moon card is so bright and vivid.
    thanks for sharing so many wonderful
    Happy New Year

  82. Gorgeous cards. You are an artist.

  83. Beautiful cards! The vibrant colors make them so eye-catching!

  84. I don't think I've ever seen so many beautiful cards in one place at one time. What talent you possess! Your watercoloring techniques are superb!

  85. Love this gorgeous collection of cards - PURE EYE CANDY :)

  86. I would have never thought to do the stamp kissing great idea! The watercolor on the Beautiful Day card is AMAZING!

  87. Each and every one of these cards are stunning and I love the softness of the colouring.
    Have a fab 2017.

  88. The stainglass magnolia is my favorite card - so pretty!

  89. Your cards are beyond stunning!!! I love the stained glass magnolia card; oh my goodness it is gorgeous!!!!

  90. Awesome job! Love all the cards you created.

  91. WOW WOW WOW - your cards are amazing

  92. Beautiful cards and with a softness that is so pleasing to the eye. The galaxy you created is gorgeous!

  93. Your cards are just stunning!

  94. I love the galaxy and then those roses for the best mom. All of your cards are gorgeous but I like those 2 the best.

  95. I have wanted to get the Altenew inks, but after seeing all your beautiful cards, now I really want to get the inks. You did such an amazing job of watercoloring. I absolutely love the blue and green Beautiful Day card!

  96. All gorgeous cards! Great color combinations selected!

  97. Beautiful cards. I am absolutely loving your style! The backgrounds you've created are just perfect for each card! I would love to win one of these! They are all so gorgeous!

    Sammibug in Ohio

  98. Love the stamp combinations you used on your cards. Hard to pick a favorite, they are all so pretty! Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

  99. Wow! These are beautiful! I love your watercoloring!

  100. Your cards are stunning! Your coloring skills are amazing.

  101. Beautiful cards, stunning!

  102. Amazing collection of cards. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  103. Such beautiful painting!

  104. Love your cards. my favorite is the blue happy birthday with the gold embossing.

  105. ✨Beautiful! ✩ ♡🌟 Love the elegance of the moon card 😊

  106. Beautiful and amazing cards.

  107. What a beautiful collection of cards.Really love the water coloring technique of the last two cards.

  108. Wow! This is a stunning collection of cards! Thank you for so much gorgeous inspiration!

  109. Gorgeous cards and pieces of art. Love the layouts and the details so beautiful!

  110. So very pretty all... beautifully designed/Jan

  111. All of your cards are beautiful! My favorite is the galaxy card--LOVE the distressed ink background! Gorgeous!
    Happy New Year!

  112. You are very talented, your magnolia card is so beautiful!

  113. Gorgeous cards and your watercoloring is amazing!

  114. Your cards are so soft and gentle with the most pleasing pastel colors. They make me relax and make all my cares and worries fade and float away. Thank you.

  115. This blog hop is great so many fabulous ideas

  116. Wow!! Your cards are stunning; I particularly love the "to the moon" card! Actually, I love all the cards in this hop. Thanks for sharing and happy new year!

  117. Beautiful work. I love all your background work.

  118. You areally really talented! Loving the washy, watercolor backgrounds and images. If I tried that it would look a hot mess!

  119. Your cards are verry pretty!!!

  120. Gorgeous cards...Wow, wow, wow. Great colors! Thanks for sharing!

  121. Beautiful cards. I especially like the Painted Flowers Stamp Set card. Thank you for sharing.

  122. Gorgeous cards! The choice of colors and techniques really highlight the stamp sets. Thank you for sharing your talent. Happy 2017.

  123. Simply gorgeous cards! Love your style! So inspirational! 🙂

  124. Lovely cards especially the stained glass effect! Very clever! So inspirational.

  125. Your cards are so beautiful. I love the wild hibiscus one and the magnolia with the gold.

  126. Целая акварельная магия! Красота!

  127. All the cards are beautiful, but the colors and design on the sending love card is stunning.

  128. Your cards are all gorgeous and your water colouring technique is amazing. I am inspired!

  129. Beautiful cards! Love the stamps!!

  130. Each card is amazing! I am really loving the cards with the Wild Hibiscus stamp set... I have to add that one to my wish list! Gorgeous colors and details on all your beautiful cards!

  131. These are gorgeous! I especially love your splattered background technique!

  132. Beautiful cards, especially the thank you card that looks like stained glass. Thanks for the inspiration.

  133. Such beautiful cards! Your colouring is just fantastic!

  134. I love all of your cards. They are so colorful and pretty. I love flowers and the blue and purple ones are so pretty. The one with the moon and the gold glitter is so much fun. Your boyfriend will love it!

  135. Love all your cards, my favorite are those with pink peonies !

  136. Such Beautiful Cards!Very classy and Elegant! Thank u so much for the inspiration! Would love to win a card handmade by you!

  137. Stunning cards and colouring!!!

  138. Such gorgeous cards! I wish I was so gifted!!! Thanks so much for all your inspiration and sharing it with us! God bless!

  139. Beautiful and very delicate cards!

  140. Your cards are so pretty!

  141. The moon card is my favorite!

  142. Absolutely gorgeous collection of cards. I especially love your soft, fluid watercolouring.

  143. What beautiful, unique cards, Kristina! Such great effects on each one. Thanks so much for sharing with us and for participating in this great hop and giveaway.

  144. Amazing cards Kristina! Your choice of colours makes them very tasteful and elegant! Live each one of them :) so novym godom!

  145. Stunning designs! I love your use of watercolors, so soft and bright at the same time, really just brilliant! Thanks for the inspiration and happy 2017!

  146. Wow - what an amazing round-up of your cards. Your magnolia card that mimics stained glass is AMAZING!

  147. WOW... Your cards are STUNNING and GORGEOUS!!! Love your coloring works on each of them.

  148. Your cards are SO wonderful. The color combos are gorgeous. You are so talented!

  149. The cards are AMAZING...

  150. Beautiful watercolor! Lovely cards!

  151. Wow, gorgeous cards!! The colours are so rich and vibrant!

  152. Beautiful cards with beautiful stamps! Love the watercolor ones xx

  153. Such lovely cards! I had one favorite, then another, well then another! Can't pick just one! ;)

  154. Wow, these are all so amazing! Love the to the moon and back, so fabulous. Happy New Year!!!

  155. Все, что ты делаешь, это потрясающе, особенно со штампами Альтенью!! Твоя акварель невероятно нежная и в то же время такая разная!! Желаю тебе в Новом Году еще больше идей и вдохновения!!

  156. Whatever you do, it's amazing, especially with stamps Altenew !! Your watercolor incredibly tender and at the same time so different !! I wish you in the New Year even more ideas and inspiration !!

  157. Fantastic cards! I love the soft watercolor look on these!

  158. All of your cards are beautiful. That Beautiful Day stamp set is my favorite.

  159. Your cards are like little watercoloured pretty!

  160. Great inspiration in your cards. Thanks for sharing.

  161. Кристина, все открытки просто супер! Очень красивые, нежные! Цвета радуют глаз! Очень бы хотелось получить твою открытку...

  162. Your cards are very pretty.


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